Wednesday, April 3, 2019

General Reunion Tips

Planning a reunion is an interesting task. There are two directions you can take when attempting to coordinate an unforgettable event like a reunion. The first direction you can go into is to hire a reunion planning company. These companies are great because they will handle all of the upfront financing for the reunion. This will allow you to solidify your location, entertainment, memory book and décor without any upfront money. The money is recouped through ticket sales to your former classmates. This type of company works great if your class did not establish a purse in your senior year or if you didn’t have any monies remaining from the previous reunion.

If you have money readily available to handle the bookings, then an event coordinator would be your better choice. An event coordinator will have an elaborate team of trained professionals to ensure your reunion will be a success. He/She would charge you a flat fee for the coordination; all other financial responsibilities for elements such as décor, location and memory book would be handled through your class during the planning stages. 

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