Take these suggestions into considering when planning a college event:
Colleges and universities have a plethora of events occurring
regularly. Choose a date that won't conflict with other clubs, sports
or academic events. Avoid choosing a date that nears a holiday or
school break, as many students skip out early to go home or on
Select a facility with ample amount of space to accomodate the
estimated number of guests. Research school policies on using school
facilites to host events.
Begin promotion a month or more in advance. Post flyers throughout
the school, buy ad space in the school paper or on the radio station,
send e-mails, etc.
On the day of the event, start setting up early to ensure audio
equipment works properly, the doors are unlocked, the food arrives and
the room is properly arranged.
School spirit is paramount to many college students. Decorate with school colors, and consider having the mascot attend.
College students want to be entertained, so provide enough age-appropriate activities.
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