Saturday, April 20, 2019

General High School Tips

While it is important to allow teens to make their voices heard when it comes to party planning, there still exist moments in which the parents needs to step in and make important decisions.  A major concern for many parents who are planning a teen party is how to entertain the guests while keeping them safe.  Create a guest list in order to ensure that no strangers crash the party.  Avoid flyers, which can be duplicated and result in a house party being inundated with teenagers, similar to the image of sardines in a can. 
Set rules ahead of time.  Make it clear to guests what is allowed in one's home.  Don't allow teens to come and go from the party.  This will prevent one from being held responsible for anything that might happen while the teen is gone, including drinking.  
While trust and communication are imperative in a parent-child relationship, being labeled a "cool" parent is not ideal, or necessary.  Don't give in temptation by allowing teens to drink at the party.  It is, after all, illegal.  
During the party, allow the teens enough privacy to relax and have fun, but check in on them regularly to make sure everything is going well and the teens are behaving.  Provide enough party games and activities to keep guests occupied and not bored.  Theme parties are well-liked among teens, as are activites such as video games, bowling and sports. 
Set up a mini buffet of teen favorites, such as pizza, sandwiches, vegetables with dips, chips, and sodas, juices or water.  
Be mindful of curfew laws in the area, and obtain contact information for guests' parents in case of an emergency.

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