Thursday, October 17, 2019

General Bridal Shower Tips

The bridal shower is a special occassion for any bride, thus the bride's tastes and preferences should be incorporated into its planning.
Some brides prefer the traditional bridal shower, while others want to spice it up a little.  Ask questions: whom to invite, where, what to do, etc.  Once the guidelines have been set, beginning planning the unforgettable event. 
Stay on budget.  Usually the bride's parents pay for the shower or share the costs with the maid of honor.  Despite the budget, one can still plan a special day since  Activities for bridal showers run the gamut from afternoon tea to bowling to a day at the spa or even a weekend retreat. 
Entertainment should be appropriate for the formality of the event. If the bride would approve, consider gag gifts to lighten the mood. 
In some cases, party favors are expected. This usually depends on the circle of friends and how traditional the wedding will be.  The same goes for gift registry.  While some find it appropriate to list it on the invitations, others prefer word of mouth.  Remember, though, that when registering for gifts one should select gift options in a variety of price ranges.  After the shower, it is appropriate to send handwritten thank you notes.  
Consider hiring a photographer or ask a bridesmaid to take photos throughout to create special memories for the bride.

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