General School Events Tips
Before planning any school event, one must obtain permission from
school officials to not only host an event, but also to use school
facilities. For late-night event or field trips, one might also need to
get parents' permission and ask for volunteers to chaparone.
Color Me Thrilled
Choose colors that complement the theme. Use the color palatte to
guide decision-making when it comes to the backdrop for photos,
decorations, and invitations. Don't give partygoers a headache by
choosing hard-to-find colors or colors that don't blend well together.
Save the Date
Check the school calendar to make sure the event doesn't clash with
other major happenings. Then advertise in advance to assure the best
Money Well-Spent
Be smart about budgetting the money allotted to party planning. Ask
for donations from local businesses to save cash for extras that will
enhance the party. Fundraise with candy, T-shirt, or food sales.
Keep it PG
Don't upset school officials, teachers, and parent by playing
inappropriate music. If a DJ is hired, give him or her clear guidelines
on what music to play and what is considered appropriate. All
activities should also be tasteful.