Friday, November 24, 2017

Tips to avoid a Christmas office party disaster

Have you been bestowed with the honour of arranging the office Christmas party this year?

Lucky you. Organised well, your success will elevate you to office hero. Done badly, you may return in the new year to a desk relocation, perhaps next to the toilet, or microwave.

Get a date in the diary now

Location, location

Line their stomachs

Keep it fun

The morning after

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Un avant-goût du VENDREDI FOU

Office Party Etiquette: 11 Tips To Remember

It's surprising, but true: People really do need reminders about how to behave appropriately when they mix business with pleasure. This is particularly the case if you're a new employee or a manager trying to put your best face forward at a holiday office party this year.

Read The Invitation For Clues

Dress To Impress

Prepare Ahead

Respect The Privacy Of Your Colleagues

Do "The Two Fridge" Test Before Posting Pictures

Drink, Dance And Sing In Moderation

Remember Your "Thank You's:"

Don't Contemplate Attending

No Whispering Allowed

Be Safe

Spread Gifts Around

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

We hear you rock. Now let's see it. Light what you do.

Les meilleures Pizzas de Montréal

Qui n’aime pas la pizza? Rares sont ceux qui ne l’aiment pas, car il y en a pour tous les goûts…napolitaine, romaine, new-yorkaise ou montréalaise quelle que soit votre pizza préférée, vous en trouverez une à votre goût dans l’un de nos restos favoris.

9 Ways To Survive The Office Christmas Party

As the festive season approaches, so does a potentially perilous annual event – the office Christmas party. For some, it’s a chance to let your hair down with your colleagues and talk about something other than work; for others, it’s an ordeal more excruciating than dental surgery.

1. Don't party too hard

2. Don't jump your crush

3. Dress appropriately

4. Mingle

5. Don’t talk about work

6. Find a party buddy

7. Keep it classy

8. Don’t overindulge

9. Have a great time!