Friday, March 19, 2021

Les incontournables du printemps Du nouveau dans notre gamme! Spring must-haves New in our range!

La mini maison de rebond avec toboggan et mini rebond est compacte et idéale pour les jeunes enfants. Grâce à la combinaison de la surface de saut et du toboggan, les enfants auront beaucoup de plaisir à sauter et à glisser! Tic-Tac-Toe / 4 d'affilée et la course d'obstacles Tic-Tac-Toe sont sûrs d'être un succès dans tous les événements. Jouez tactiquement et assurez-vous de terminer le jeu le plus rapidement possible. The Mini bounce house with slide and Mini bounce are compact and ideal for young children. Thanks to the combination of the jumping surface and the slide, children will have a lot of fun jumping and sliding! Tic-Tac-Toe/ 4 in a row and Tic-Tac-Toe obstacle course are sure to be a hit at any event. Play tactically and make sure to finish the game as quickly as possible.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Micro Wedding

La tendance du mariage est claire: les couples optent pour des idées de lieux de mariage intimes et uniques avec un grand impact alors que nous nous dirigeons vers un nouveau territoire et des règles en constante évolution avec la pandémie. Nos micro-mariages sont souvent décrits comme le point idéal entre une fugue et un mariage traditionnel. Les couples aiment que la partie formelle de la journée soit plus courte qu'un mariage conventionnel, mais conserve toujours ce sentiment de soutien et de camaraderie qui vient du fait d'avoir vos proches autour de vous (6 à 25 invités). Un micro mariage vous permet de vous concentrer sur les moments magiques de votre journée et de célébrer votre histoire d'amour avec les personnes qui vous sont les plus proches. The wedding trend is clear: couples are opting for intimate and unique wedding venue ideas with big impact as we head into new territory and ever-changing rules with the pandemic. Our micro weddings are often described as that sweet spot between an elopement and a traditional wedding. Couples like that the formal portion of the day is shorter than a conventional wedding, but still maintains that feeling of support and camaraderie that comes from having your nearest and dearest around you (6 to 25 guests). A micro wedding allows you to focus on the magic moments of your day and celebrate your love story with the people you hold closest.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Virtual Event

Créez des expériences hors du commun, exécutées et livrées à la perfection avec un concept innovant et une solution clé en main personnalisée! N'hésitez pas à valider avec nous les possibilités de conférenciers qui s'offrent à vous pour votre entreprise, pour réunion d'équipe ou une formation! Create extraordinary experiences, executed and delivered to perfection with an innovative concept and a personalized turnkey solution! Do not hesitate to validate with us the possibilities of speakers available to you for your company, for team meeting or training!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Huge Winter Park Is About To Open Near Montreal, Complete With An Illuminated Slide & DJ

Un immense parc extérieur sur le thème de l'hiver ouvre ses portes près de Montréal ce week-end, avec une glissade de neige éclairée, une piste de patinage éclairée d'un demi-kilomètre et une piste de raquettes de 2,5 kilomètres. Le RécréoParc de Sainte-Catherine, au Québec - réputé pour ses plages, ses sports et sa faune en été - invite les Québécois à son tout premier «Rendez-vous polaire». An enormous winter-themed outdoor park is opening near Montreal this weekend, complete with an illuminated snow slide, a half-kilometre illuminated skating trail and a 2.5-kilometre snowshoe trail. The RécréoParc in Sainte-Catherine, Quebec — known for its beaches, sports and wildlife in the summer — is inviting Quebecers to its first-ever "Polar Rendez-vous."

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

5 Feel-Good Things To Do In Montreal This Holiday Season

This holiday season in Montreal will look and feel completely different and some community organizations will need more help than ever. Sadly, for many Montrealers, the holiday season is a reminder of how bad things really are. 

Wouldn't you agree that everyone in our community deserves the gift of happiness this holiday season? 

By volunteering or donating, you can not only put a smile on the face of someone who really needs one but also feel good about doing the right thing. 

Donate Your Old Clothes

One of the most cathartic things is cleaning out your closet and organizing your wardrobe. Instead of throwing out your old clothes, why not donate them? 

There are several groups in Montreal such as Le Support and Le Magasin du Chaînon that will take your used clothing off your hands and offer it to someone in need — as long as your old clothes are in good condition, of course! 

Put A Smile On A Kid's Face

One thing that's certain to warm the cockles of your heart is putting a smile on a kid's face. 

This holiday season, organizations such as Sun Youth and The Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation rely on the kindness of folks like yourself to help spread the love.

From preparing food donations to volunteering your time, there's no better way to spread holiday cheer. 

Foster An Adorable Animal

If you're sad about not being able to see your friends and family this holiday season, why not get yourself a temporary fur friend? 

The SPCA Montreal and Animatch Montreal are always on the lookout for responsible, caring and empathetic foster or adoptive families for sick and ailing animals.

And if you fall in love, you can then permanently adopt your new friend. 

Give An Unexpected Gift

It's not just your loved ones that deserve a thoughtful and unexpected holiday gift. There are countless people in your community that won't be getting any gift this year. 

Why not change that and give an unexpected gift directly to someone in your community that's living in a vulnerable situation? 

Organizations like The New Secret Santa and The Shoebox Project also help out people in your community and all you have to do is prepare a small yet thoughtful gift for people in need. 

Lend A Helping Hand

You ought to look no further than your own community when you're looking to feel good and lend a helping hand. 

In Montreal, several organizations are often looking for kind folks like yourself, especially during the holiday season. 

You can find organizations that need volunteers through the Volunteer Bureau of Montreal







Friday, December 18, 2020

Joyeux temps des fêtes! Happy Holidays!

Quand nous repensons à l’année 2020, nous sommes reconnaissants de la loyauté sans faille dont vous avez fait preuve envers notre entreprise.
Au cours de cette année, nous avons dû nous adapter au changement et trouver des moyens alternatifs pour continuer d’offrir un service de qualité, qui a fait notre réputation.

L'année tire à sa fin et l'équipe souhaite prendre le temps de vous souhaiter un très joyeux temps des fêtes.

En 2020, on s’est fait dire : Ça va bien aller.
En 2021, ça devrait mieux aller…

L’Équipe Omega Design Events & Nite Mix Entertainment

When we look back to the year 2020, we are grateful for the unwavering loyalty you have shown to our company.
During this year, we have had to adapt to change and find alternative ways to continue to provide the quality service, which has made our reputation.

The year is drawing to a close and the team would like to take the time to wish you a very happy holiday season.

Omega Design Events & Nite Mix Entertainment team