Friday, December 29, 2017

The 10 Best DJ Mixes of 2017

In dance and electronic music, DJ sets play a role that has no real analog in other genres: an invisible layer stretched across the face of the music, an alternate dimension where disparate tracks are cobbled together into a form that may transcend the individual parts. The best DJs play a curatorial and even a critical role, making sense of the surfeit of new music available and forging connections between novel sounds and antecedents buried deep in the canon.

Dawit Eklund – Loose Joints, Vol. 1

Avalon Emerson – Live at Printworks London

Josey Rebelle – Stone Through a Window Mix

Courtesy – RA.579

Laurel Halo – Discwoman

Minor Science – Absent Friends 2

Sold – B.U.T.W. 79

Teki Latex – Bérite Club Music

Young Marco – RA.571

Zola Jesus – FACT Mix 631

Un immense party du Nouvel An se tiendra au Vieux-Port

À l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’année, le 375e anniversaire de Montréal vous convie à une journée de célébrations gratuites et grandioses!

Tous sont invités à se rassembler le 31 décembre prochain pour célébrer la Finale du 375e anniversaire de Montréal. Soyez-y!

The New Year’s Eve party will be exceptional! Presented by Telus, in collaboration with Coca-Cola and Montreal's 375th celebrations, this free event will feature many of Quebec’s renowned artists on Merry Montreal’s major outdoor stage.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

7 Awesome DJ Developments In 2017

From club standard contenders to heavyweight controllers and automation, we look back and pick out our top seven digital DJ developments this past year.

1. Club gear diversity arrives

2. Heavyweight, professional controllers make their mark

3. Live streaming DJ sets continue to grow in popularity

4. Automated lighting is ready to shine

5. More blurring between the DJ studio and stage

6. The BPM | Pro Show goes out with a bang

7. Robots have not replaced human DJs… yet

It’s time to celebrate the videos, people and music that defined 2017