Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Custom lighting made simple for Serato DJ users

If you’re over trusting your lighting design to a hired hand or delegating it to so-called “intelligent” programs, you might want to check out SoundSwitch, a groundbreaking new hardware/software application that not only syncs lighting to music but allows Serato DJ users to easily direct and execute their own custom lightshow by simply...


Monday, February 27, 2017

"...that’s the reason why you go out: to hear music

"...that’s the reason why you go out: to hear music you don’t hear on MTV, your local radio, or even what’s in the charts. You don’t go to the club to hear that type of music." 

Is It Ever a Good Idea to Mix Business & Politics?

Tip of the Day

Is It Ever a Good Idea to Mix Business & Politics?


By Maurice Gerardi, Omega Design Events & Nite Mix Entertainment - February 27, 2017


Small business owners risk alienating customers—or being targeted by boycotts!—when they share their political views in today’s polarized climate.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Does Your Business Really Need a Marketing Plan?

Tip of the Day

Does Your Business Really Need a Marketing Plan?


By Maurice Gerardi, Omega Design Events & Nite Mix Entertainment - February 24, 2017


Yes, it does! A formal marketing plan can prevent small business owners from wasting valuable dollars chasing the wrong customers with the wrong message.


- Focused message.

- Measurable results.

- Informed decision making.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Montréal en Lumière

Fête hivernale qui se déploie en trois volets : les arts, la lumière et la table.

This winter festival has three components: arts, light and cuisine.