Thursday, July 19, 2018

Maverick MK3 Wash

Maverick MK3 Wash raises the bar on output, color consistency, and pixel effects. Powered by 27 (40 W) Osram RGBW LEDs, it has the muscle to handle any application, including long throw situations, with ease.


Bouncy houses make any kid’s party a huge success.  So before you call rent, here are some important tips.

Safety first




Size of event location


Size of bouncy house

Supervision & rules

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

New IP65 Outdoor Rated HEX Pars - More Colors in More Places

4 Tips for Planning Property Events This Summer

With the warm weather finally making its seasonal debut, it’s the perfect time to start planning resident events for the summertime. The summer season is an important time to show off your property, from the landscaping to the amenities. With careful planning and a few out-of-the-box ideas, you can make your property the obvious choice for warm-weather fun.

Tip 1: Incentivize to advertise.

Tip 2: Partner & save.

Tip 3: Support a great cause.

Tip 4: Delight & attract.

Monday, July 16, 2018

6 tips on what to wear to a summer wedding

You’ve received an invitation to your cousin’s wedding in August. You say to yourself, “Well, I have plenty of time to think about,” but when your significant others asks you for the umpteenth time what you plan to wear, you start to doubt your knowledge of wedding etiquette.

1. Sweating is natural, but it’s ugly. Undeniably.

2. Your shirt is your second tuxedo.

3. Your shoes are never clean, shiny or elegant enough.

4. Upgrade your style = from fashion victim to fab visionary.

5. There’s only one groom, and you are not him.

6. Unless you missed it earlier, sweating is ugly.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Nite Mix Entertainment's song of the week

Cardi B is continuing to promote her debut album Invasion of Privacy with every ounce of energy she has before delivering her first child in July.