Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Master Of Ceremony

Make your wedding day worthwhile by settling on a Omega Design Events wedding master of ceremony with experience.

Monday, June 12, 2017

"DJs have always been the lead figures in creating new scenes

"DJs have always been the lead figures in creating new scenes, investing into a foundation for the future, finding new exciting music, and exposing and supporting new music / producers."

Friday, June 9, 2017

Festival Grand Prix sur Crescent

Festival Grand Prix sur Crescent


8, 9, et 10 juin 2017


Venez profiter d’une foule d’activités et de spectacles gratuits tous les soirs présentés sur une scène extérieure et diffusés sur écran géant.


Crescent Street Grand Prix Festival


For three days straight, enjoy several outdoor activities and live shows and see real F1 cars from up close.   


June 8, 9, and 10, 2017